研究筛选出我国水环境中六种需要优先关注的PPCPs· Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the aquatic environment in China: A review

本文分析了中国地表水和沉积物中存在的112种PPCPs的现有监测数据,大多数PPCPs在地表水和沉积物中的浓度处于ng/L和ng/g的水平。与国外相比,中国PPCPs的污染处于较低或基本相当的水平。基于现有的监测数据对中国地表水中存在的PPCPs进行优先性筛选,共筛选出6种具有潜在风险的PPCPs类物质,包括红霉素、罗红霉素、双氯芬酸、布洛芬、水杨酸和磺胺甲恶唑。优先性筛选的结果表明PPCPs污染较严重的地区主要集中在人口密集、经济发达的城市(如北京、天津、广州和上海)周边的河流。分析了中国水环境中PPCPs的研究现状及存在问题并探讨了与PPCPs环境管理相关的问题。该成果发表在Journal of Hazardous Materials上。【全文链接


Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) have been detected as contaminants of emerging concern ubiquitously in the aquatic environment in China and worldwide. A clear picture of PPCP contamination in the Chinese aquatic environment is needed to gain insight for both research and regulatory needs (e.g. monitoring, control and management). The occurrence data of 112 PPCPs in waters and sediments in China has been reviewed. In most cases, the detected concentration of these PPCPs in waters and sediments were at ng/L and ng/g levels, which were lower than or comparable to those reported worldwide. A screening level risk assessment (SLERA) identified six priority PPCPs in surface waters, namely erythromycin, roxithromycin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, salicylic acid and sulfamethoxazole. The results of SLERA also revealed that the hot spots for PPCP pollution were those river waters affected by the megacities with high density of population, such as Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou and Shanghai. Limitations of current researches and implications for future research in China were discussed. Some regulatory issues were also addressed.

见微知著·原始反终 ●新兴污染物环境归趋研究组(FECG)